Tuesday, November 4, 2014


It has been such a busy week and a lot more projects are coming and will be posted soon! I recently just shot a series this past week on generations. This has been an on going series that I've been progressing on over the past two years and it's nice to finally see it printed and brought to life! This idea was based around the concept of generations and siblings. I personally always find it interesting how siblings can can come from the same parents but yet looking nothing alike, to me this has always been a strange thing, coming from a family of 2 brothers, and having not one of them resemble close to the other at all. The way this project was shot was by
taking a set of 4 photos. Two photos were taken of my brothers, as a head shot and the other two were taken as side profiles. The each photo was printed separately then cut into strips. After this process the sets of each photos were combined together too create two final sets of photos and then scanned as a final print. The outcome is very interesting and it's amazing how much I realized they do have certain matching features after all!  See the images below to get a better feel of the process!

( First series of photos taken - headshot)

(Second series of photos- side profile)

( Final Image - scanned and put all together)

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