Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Fashion & Taste

The past couple weeks have been crazy and its so hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner. Over this past week, I had two projects due that I've been recently working on. The first being a creative fashion shoot and the second being some type of abstract food shot that had to be a desert! Check it out down below!

( Creative fashion)

( Abstract food shot ; Oreo Cookies )

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sweater Weather 

Over the course of this past week, I was busy shooting a two page magazine spread for an upcoming school assignment. The project consisted of shooting a model on location in a personal style, which resulted in two hero images. One ; a main fashion image, of an outfit on the model and two; a detail image of the outfit. I decide to try something a little different with this project by using my personal style of making photos into collages by cutting images up and so forth. Overall, this shoot went exceptionally well and it's always nice when you have gorgeous friends, who are willing to pose for you! Big thanks to my all time best friend Hayley Smith for helping me out! Check it. 

( Main image / Model: Hayley Smith )

( Detail Image / Model: Hayley Smith) 

( Final images made into magazine spread)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Food and Drink

Although I see myself more as a fine art photographer, I do enjoy the process that goes into photographing product! Over the course of the semester I have had the great opportunity of photographing some pretty interesting subjects ; truffles and a mock LCBO ad. Check out the images below and don't forget to comment on what you think! Feed back is always welcome!


It has been such a busy week and a lot more projects are coming and will be posted soon! I recently just shot a series this past week on generations. This has been an on going series that I've been progressing on over the past two years and it's nice to finally see it printed and brought to life! This idea was based around the concept of generations and siblings. I personally always find it interesting how siblings can can come from the same parents but yet looking nothing alike, to me this has always been a strange thing, coming from a family of 2 brothers, and having not one of them resemble close to the other at all. The way this project was shot was by
taking a set of 4 photos. Two photos were taken of my brothers, as a head shot and the other two were taken as side profiles. The each photo was printed separately then cut into strips. After this process the sets of each photos were combined together too create two final sets of photos and then scanned as a final print. The outcome is very interesting and it's amazing how much I realized they do have certain matching features after all!  See the images below to get a better feel of the process!

( First series of photos taken - headshot)

(Second series of photos- side profile)

( Final Image - scanned and put all together)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Over the course of last week, I was busy shooting a fashion branding assignment in the style of "Urban Outfitters". I'm very pleased with the outtakes and selections I have so far. I was so lucky to have access to a beautiful location as well, Keffer Mansion ! Be sure to check out there website linked below and if you're ever in Niagara on the Lake, it's a beautiful place to have lunch!  Link: http://www.keefermansion.com

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hello Viewers!

Over the thanksgiving weekend, I had the joy and excitement of doing my first car shoot! There were some challenges for sure, as far as lighting the car goes, but overall I'm pleased with my image. I will be posting the before and after photos, so you all can see the different images combined all together to create one final shot! 

Original photo ; before any photoshop

Final image ; all shots rendered together with photoshop

Monday, October 6, 2014

Anyone who knows me, knows that time is something that I value. Things are changing so rapidly around us and as photographers we are only able to capture so much. At the begging of last year I began to start a photo series of my great-grandparents and included photos of their lifestyle. This series is inspired by something my grandmother once said. She said she usually cried at least once each day not because she was sad, but because the world was so beautiful and life was so short. This series is based around my grandparents simple life style and the beauty this simplicity brings.

The one behind the lens

I grew up in Niagara On the Lake with a supportive family and a lot of love.
Although I'm working my way towards a Bachelor of Arts in photography I like to believe that my "eye" comes from my grandmother pointing out beautiful moments my entire life.
I believe that the most beautiful quality one can have is a beautiful heart and I believe this can be captured in a photo.
I am a firm believer that love is art, that anything is possible and that you have the ability to design and create your own life.
I have a peaceful heart.
I love the sea, think mermaids are probably real and will stop the car for beautiful light.
I like to think that the world is good, photography can change the world and my images might bring you happiness.
I love fresh air, big skies, good company and a room with a view.
I choose to see beauty everywhere.

A photo of myself 
Photographer: Hayley Smith

Monday, September 29, 2014

Welcome !

Hello World,
 Welcome to my newest blog "Ashley Savage Foto", where you can stay in touch with all my latest work! Be sure to check back weekly and enjoy!